Power hour/Bathrooms K22

From Kanthaus wiki

The cleaning of the 2nd Bathroom, the Baby Bathroom, and the Compost Toilet.


Cleaning supplies are found in the intermediate storage, in boxes.

Butt care items

  • Refill toilet paper. Paper is on the top shelf in the compost toilet. Bring a chair to stand on to reach the shelf
  • Take the bucket with used butt towels and put them in the bucket for butt towels in the washroom's closet.
  • Take fresh butt towels from intermediate storage and put them in the fresh butt towels bucket.

Hand towels

  • Put the towel away in the 60°C [?] laundry basket in the washroom's closet and take a clean one from the storage closet in the main bathroom


  • Wash the toilet, including the toilet seat. Use an antibacterial detergent (like [WHAT KIND?]). Pour it on a cloth and start wiping. Place the cloth in the basket next to the food shelf.
  • Wash the sink with a sponge
  • Wash the mirror. First use a damp cloth, then wipe it with a dry clean cloth. Put the cloth in the basket next to the food shelf.

Bonus task