Main bathroom

From Kanthaus wiki

🛁 The place to clean yourself.

Space code: K20-2-1


  • shower or take a bath
  • use the sink
  • pee in the toilet
  • store communal bathroom items
  • store private bathroom items
  • collect communal laundry


  • low light with motion sensor, bright light with button
  • electric heater to be used while in the shower


Using the door of this room is quite loud, which is especially disturbing when people are already sleeping in the rooms around. If you want to close it for having privacy in the room, please try to do so silently (e.g. slow or by pushing the door slightly orthogonally to the moving direction).

Preventing wet floors

When you shower, make sure that the shower curtain is hanging inside the shower, so the water does not run on the floor.

Also, please either dry yourself inside the shower or use the towel laying on the chair or radiator (or even a new one if there is none) to put on the floor in front of the shower.


This room is not very well heatable, but we need to heat it in winter for mold prevention. To feel more warmth while in the shower, you can switch on the electric heater by pulling the string. It is basically a toaster that will radiate heat onto your skin. It consumes a lot of energy when left on, so please make sure to switch it off when you leave!

During the heating period it’s also very important to keep the door shut.