Social sauna

From Kanthaus wiki

🌁 The monthly meeting for Volunteers and Members to talk about social tensions specifically and emotions generally. 😶‍🌫️


The 2-hour slot gets filled as needed - if there is not so much to talk about the meeting can be shorter, but usually there is enough to discuss. During the time no new people can join, if necessary people can leave though.

By default Visitors are not invited, if they still wish to attend they can raise that point at CoMe and they will get an answer a day before the meeting.

The facilitator that was decided upon in CoMe leads through the meeting.

  1. Extended Check-In
  2. Collect topics
  3. Discuss

Extended Check-In

A round in which everyone is invited to share how they are feeling and what is going on in their lives in a bit more detail.

Collect topics

Small papers and pens are handed out and people can write down topics they would like to address.

Fitting topics are everything that involves emotional concerns and a need for exchange that is not focused on practical outcomes. They can be related to things that happen in the house, between people or in individual people. If you're not sure if your topics fits, just raise it and we'll see. :)

The papers with topics are then put onto a board by the people who wrote them. The higher up the paper is placed, the more urgently the person wants to talk about it.

Somewhere on the lower end the paper about 'small points' is always present. This paper is to encourage people to raise points which seem to little to be a dedicated paper, but still linger in their minds (e.g. small annoyances, confusions or disappointments).


The facilitator leads through the topics from top to bottom. There is no time limit for a topic, but reasonable facilitation is encouraged to avoid going in circles or changing from emotional exchange to goal-oriented meeting. The person who raised a topic is the one to decide if it was discussed enough.

After 1 hour there can be a break.