Power Hour/Main Kitchen

From Kanthaus wiki

The kitchen should stay sanitary to prevent poisoning and mould growing in the corners. It should also be organized to let people work comfortably and safely around sharp objects.

Empty the drying rack

  • Take dry items from the rack and place them in their typical resting places: pots near the stove, large knives above the table, small knives in the drawer, etc.

Wash the dishes

  • Wash by hand: large items, wooden items, sharp knives. Place them on the rack on the left to dry
  • Put compatible items in the dishwasher (see dishwasher instructions)
  • Super-large pots can be washed downstairs in the wash bathroom in the bathtub
  • Pay attention to coated pots and pans: they will not survive scrubbing with metal

Clean the sink

  • remember to remove stuff clogging the drain. Put in the food waste

Clean the stove

  • use detergent [which?] from the intermediate storage room

Clear tables and working areas

  • Place items in their normal storage places

Wash tables and working areas

  • Use a damp cloth from the sink area

Replace towels and sponges if needed

  • Clean the sponge by boiling (how exactly?) and take a new one from intermediate storage room.
  • If the towel is [TODO: when would a towel be replaced?], then put it in the basket for laundry to wash at 90℃ in the K20 staircase. Then take a new one from [TODO: where?].