Power Hour/Incoming Food Care

From Kanthaus wiki

Sometimes we get food from the farm, food sharing, or other sources. We need to make sure it doesn't spoil, and place it in the relevant storage.

Incoming food is normally found in K20-0 entrance hallway.

Dirty food items

Spills happen - soap, yoghurt, flour are common, but sometimes a tomato goes splat and contaminates other items.

Wash them in the Washing room.

  • wash fruits and vegetables, except carrots which spoil very fast after washing
  • wash packaged goods if contaminated

Place washed items on the drying rack opposite the bathtub.

Clean food items

Before putting items on the shelf, they should be clean and dry, and any remaining packaging should be clean and dry.

  • long-lasting food that doesn't need to be cooled (cans, jars) goes to the food storage in K20-B (make sure packaging is not damaged!)
  • fruits and vegetables go onto the food shelves in K20-1

Unwashable items

  • Carrots and other fast-spoiling things go onto the food shelves in K20-1 with a label "UNWASHED"