
Revision as of 12:59, 23 January 2025 by Liou (talk | contribs)

Took this over from Larissas pad. Will work on it.

Process for registering in Kanthaus

- I think 15 people per house is the maximum amount. Currently 12 are registered in K20, 2 in K22.


- can register without having to ask but should announce it to the current group (they need a signed Wohnungsgeberbestätigung anyway)


- things to consider:

   - how long are they planning on staying? (under 6 month they don't need to register in Kanthaus legally)
   - whats the reason they need to register here? (e.g. to recieve Social benefits)

- Reasons for registering:

   - defenitly are staying longer than 6 month (but maybe they become a volunteer then anyway)
   - don't have another place to register/stay registered (flat, parents etc.)
   - need to be registerd in germany to work/recieve social benefits

- Reasons for not registering:

   - only here for less then 6 month
   - no need for social benefits

Legal information

  • Tenants are legally required to register within two weeks after moving in (or deregister after moving out), as stated in § 17 of the Federal Registration Act (BMG).
  • Landlords (we) are obligated to provide a confirmation of residence (Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung) under § 19 BMG.
  • If someone misuses our address (e.g., falsely registering as living there), we can notify the registration office. They can investigate and correct improper registrations.
  • Under § 54 BMG, providing false information during registration or failing to deregister is a violation and may result in fines.
  • As landlords, we cannot obtain a list of people registered at our address without their consent due to data protection laws.
  • If we suspect misuse, we can request a registration record inquiry (Melderegisterauskunft) by demonstrating legitimate interest (e.g., former tenants fraudulently using our address).
  • Sources:
 * § 17 BMG – Registration Obligation (  
 * § 19 BMG – Confirmation of Residence (
* § 54 BMG – Administrative Offenses (  * Melderegisterauskunft –  
 * Registration Records Explained – (German)
* If former tenants fail to deregister, we can report this to the registration office and request their deregistration.