User:Liou/My evaluations

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Evaluation 31.12.24

What i did

  • take on freeshop/kleinanzeigen responsibility
  • small building stuff
  • foodsaving/caring/preparing/sharing
  • bassment
  • talk to people about problematic behaviour
  • started to get into sysadmin stuff
  • establish new orders, rearranging

What i want to do

  • continue on the digital freeshop solution
  • establish agency for me and others (credits for reminding me of that term to doug)
  • continue working on governance as university project

What has been hard for me

  • wanting to do too much stuff at the same time and ignore my capacities
  • not being able to get away from people easily, be it kids or grownups
  • sleep
    • not having proper routine
    • not having a main sleeping place
  • talking about possible smallish changes and not doing shit afterwards

Reflection after the Evaluation

There are three positions in Kanthaus. Visitors, volunteers, members. I'm a volunteer now.

After spending the previous months at Kanthaus as a visitor, I decided I want to become a volunteer, feeling quite confident about getting accepted.

In the last months I was quite active around the house, trying to make sense to some stuff I'd interpreted as pure chaos. Sometimes I turned chaos into other chaos, sometimes it turned out to be a good solution. Sometimes I had to accept that the chaos had to stay in place because solutions to it would require a bigger amount of coordination, reflection and willfulness. People in Kanthaus seem to have learned to be cautious with their capacities. Even protective, when needed. It appears to be an important quality when living in a house with people coming and leaving, working on a colourful bouquet of not always matching flowers. Or not even "working" at all, maybe doing the bare minimum of reproductive tasks. Every person has an indepedent life and the independency can lead to misunderstandings and bad feelings towards each other. For quite some people the protection of status quo is important. They want to feel at home. Want to know where they can find stuff. Want the muscle memory to do the work. And even if I may be annoyed from time to time, I think it's beautiful what people are doing here, which may be only possible through the status quo. Yes, people "profit" from upholding it. Whatever profiting means around this house. But I believe profiting from it is not the main goal. It just happens. I don't plan to interfere with that, rather support it and try to get more people into this profiting state. Not only that. These are the purposes of the house:

   To promote sharing and reduce waste.
   To develop free and open-source software.
   To pursue social-ecological transformation.
   To provide and connect public and common resources.
   To give what we can, take what need and facilitate others to do the same.
   To generally have a jolly good time.